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  • Pirate Industries LLC
  • Pirate Industries LLC

Organic face cleanser and moisturizer, hand made with herbs to promote healthy looking and feeling skin. Tired of acne and redness? Do you suffer from overly oily skin and black heads? Just too tired to wake up in the morning, and suffer from puffy dark circles? This face spray can help with all of this! Packed full of anti biotics, anti-infammatories, antioxidants, and many vitamins such as , C, A, and E. Take a look below to get a glimpse of what is in this topical elixar!


Grapefruit oil essence : Cleanses, dissinfects, tightens, and promotes anti aging of the skin. Shrink's poors and helps elimiate black heads and acne! Blemishes will be a thing of the past as grapefruit essence works as a toner, giving you a cleaar even complextion.


Orange oil essence : Packed with vitamin C orange helps with improving skin tone, evening the blemishes, tightening skin, increase the skins flexability as well as hydrates it. Because of these benefits orange is great for anti aging! When inhaled orange also acts as a mood booster, helping with anxiety and depression. Strong antibacterial, and antimicrobial this aids in keeping your face clear of free radicals as well as any germs that might get on your face. 


Rose Petals : Also high in vitamin C. Uncloggs pores and reduces pore size. Helps even skin tone and tightens loose skin while mosturizing and giving your face a natrual glow. Reduces puffy eyes and aids in blocking unwant3ed uv rays. 


Chamomile : Aalms irritated skin such as skin with reddness, blemishes, and puffy dark circles. Calming and aids aromaticly by calming anxiety and lifting ones mood. Anti-aging, great for fragile and sensitive skin.



Face Cleanser and Moisturizer

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    Major defects: although all the products are thoroughly tested before release, unexpected errors may occur. Such issues must be submitted for our contact page. We keep the right to rectify the error or defect within 72 hours. If any deficiency is approved and we fail to correct it within 72 hours from the date of the initial complaint letter or any other notification provided by a Customer, we will offer an exchange of any product worth the same value or less in our online store.

    Product not-as-described: such issues should be reported as soon as possible this might simply been a mix up of addresses and we would wish to fix it quickly and in a timely manner.

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